The Jackboots are being polished, the knives are out, the victims are Science and Free Speech in the US.
Greg Laden of deniers list infamy Threatening Roger Pielke Jr:
It seems that Rep Grijalva forgot to mention he is on a fishing trip to 7 Universities, intimidating respected scientists with many hundreds of peer reviewed papers between them, congressional requests sent to the institutions they work for.
BTW, Pure as the driven snow @RepRaulGrijalva didn't disclose to any of the scientists he's McCarthying the $78,854 he's taken from environmental lobbying groups.
This appears coordinated with attack letters from OFA,
As a life-long lover of science and freedom of speech, I felt compelled to respond to Grijalva:
Many scientists in the field are weighing in on this despicable act by Congresscritter Grijalva, more reaction will be posted as time permits, pertinent comments found:
Michael Tobis:
Meanwhile, Michael Mann has no real comment of substance:
Robert Way being sensible:
From Bob Ward, with ClimateBrad Johnson trying to excuse the inexcusable:
and Gerry Morrow & others add comments:
Simon Donner replies to Ward:
From Judith Curry and David Lea:
From Alex H, USThermophysics:
From Ryan Maue:
via Paul Matthews:
From Andy Revkin:
and an update, response to critic:
and Jonathan Jones:
Richard Betts of the MET:
and Ben Pyle responds:
Jonathan Jones has been subject to this before, but not by the US Government:
My Coblog weighs in:
and Jaime Jessup:
From Roger Pielke Jr himself:
Via Tom Nelson:
From Steve Goddard's timeline:
Former Gore advisor Kalee Kreider, reply by Roger Tallbloke
And to Richard Betts:
and to the esteemed congress critter Grijalva:
Pertinent, concise. hilarious.
Snark from Brad Keyes:
From Paul Matthews, with replies:
Eric Stieg:
Via Sundance regarding @RepRaulGrijalva's mostly union funding. near 200k!
From Foxgoose:
From Andrew Branca:
From William Briggs:
Seems Jim Bouldin has issues with Pielke Jr, accepts others as collateral Damage.
Andy Skuce, SkS blog contributor:
Pielke Jr on Christie Congressional Request:
From Pielke's pen:
Disgustingly enough, the constant attacks on Dr Pielke have had desired results:
Richard Betts links the UCS post
Halperin prevaricates re Pielke's science.
Gavin Schmidt has this to say:
This statement from Robert Brulle:
Via Barry Woods:
Dr. Scott 'super' Mandia seems FINE with having a new inquisition run on heretics & those who disagree on minor points:
which is one of the most disgusting and prevaricating posts I have ever seen from an alleged Scientist. Here's Mandia's selfie of him 'saving the planet'.
Katie Hopkins:
David Rose:
James Wilsdon:
via WUWT and Les Johnson:
Indicative of the reason for the step up in demonizing Climate Scientists who do not foresee calamity, the US Government new guidelines to all federal agencies
does not mention temperature.
The only thing to be mentioned specifically is CO2.
From Paul Matthews:
From Craig Rucker:
From Steven F Hayward, another of the witch hunt victims:
Another Democrat witch hunter chimes in, with comment from Leo Hickman:
Strongest statement yet from Richard Betts:
Climate Wire gets into the discussion here:
Judith Curry has a post on her blog regarding this witch hunt by Grijalva.
He knows and has known her funding, esp as she was a Democrat witness in the past.
I strongly recommend reading her post.
Link to Milloy website, info on Grijalva witch hunt on Dr. Lindzen
From Benjamin Riley:
More from Roger Pielke Jr, to Judith Curry:
PhD student speaks out:
More from Revkin of Dot Earth blog:
From Roger Pielke Sr:
From Bob Ryan:
From Thomas Crockett:
From Junk Science, link to Terence Corcoran:
Stephen Hayward links Politico post by Richard Lowry
And another highly critical article denouncing the Inquisition against Climate Science heresy appears:
Another takeaway from Politico story:
And Derek Sorenson links Paul Homewood:
One of the better comments I've seen to date:
The American Association of University Professors, Mikey Mann and other responses here:
And more blowback:
from 'The Breakthrough Org'
James Delingpole's take:
And more blowback:
FOIA filed against U Delaware:
And more from the American Meteorological Society:
The Arizona Republic on Grijalva's witch hunt:
More from Roger Pielke Jr:
Latest update, Greg Laden threatening Roger Pielke Jr.: